Thursday, July 23, 2009

Koffee with Riya

This incident occurred precisely on 22nd April early morning at about 4:40 am. Yes, at this time. We had just wrapped up our work and were sitting casually chit chatting about life, friends and all other things. And while discussing all such things, Mahi got this idea of grilling each of us with some of the weirdest, bizarre and personal questions to each of us and that includes Me, Mahi, Riya, Sahil and Niyati.

No one was ready to go first so we decided to come to a conclusion by drawing cue cards and by their good luck and my bad luck, I was the chosen one. Niyati was the first choice to ask questions but she somehow wanted to avoid asking me the questions, Sahil is too friendly to go into depth of my life and that left us with Mahi and Riya. Riya jumped to this opportunity to probe into my life (well she never misses any opportunity like this).

So people, here are the questions which were thrown to me in what was perhaps the best conversation I had with someone in my life and ironically with the best girl I have ever known.

Here it goes:

1. Last beverage? Coffee

2. Last phone call? Anu

3. Last text message? Sheetal

4. Last song you listened to? Main ja rahoon from Namaste London

5. Last time you cried? Last nite…


6. Dated someone twice? No

7. Been cheated on? Never

8. Kissed someone & regretted it? No

9. Lost someone special?? Yes

10. Been depressed?? It would have to be the one constant thing in my life.

11. Been drunk? Never

About the film:

12. Title- Not yet decided

13. Person without whom the film would have been incomplete- Niyati

14. Best part of the film- my team entire crew

15. Most hilarious moment while filming- scene shot in Lonavala between me and Niyati when I go to escort her to her room and the other one between you and Sahil shot outside Mithibai College.

16. Most challenging part to shoot- the climax and laila o laila track

17. Persons you would like to thank for their contribution to your film- there are many like you, Niyati, Sahil, Sheetal, Shonali for the outstanding dress designed for the laila o laila track, Ashwin lights and equipments than various other authorities too.

These Past Year Have You:

18. Made new friends? Yes, many and perhaps life long friends.

19. Fallen out of love – no

20. Laughed until you cried – last week

21. Met someone who changed you? Yes

22. Found out who your true friends were? Yes

23. Found out someone was talking about you? Yes

24. Kissed anyone on your friend’s list? No


25. How many kids do you want to have? If it were up to me, one..but it would depend on my partner too

26. Do you want to change your name? No.

27. What did you do for your last birthday? Nothing really.

28. What time did you wake up today? 6 AM

29. What were you doing at midnight last night? Playing NFS.

30. Name something you CANNOT wait for? Peace

31. Last time you saw your father? Some hours ago..

32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? Nothing.. or maybe everything.

33. What are you listening to right now? Listening to you.

34. Do you have a crush on someone? No.


35. First kiss- long time back.

36. First tattoo- not yet

37. First best friend- is working right now in a night shift

38. First sport you joined- swimming

39. First pet → never had any pet.

40. First vacation→ I don’t remember

41. First love →family.

42. First crush→ school teacher

43. First alcohol drink – can’t recollect


44. Eating → nothing

45. Drinking → coffee

46. I’m about to → sleep

47. Waiting for → your questions to get over.


48. Want kids? yes

49. Want to get married? yes

50. Careers in mind? lots of options.. multitasking it shall be.

Your Favorite

49. Favorite food- Indian

50: Favorite holiday destination- London (never been there yet but it somehow looks inviting)

51. Favorite city in the world- Mumbai

52. Favorite pastime- swimming

53. Favorite sport- cricket

54. Favorite pick up line- Do you believe in love at first sight or should I pass again?

55. Favorite car- BMW

About opposite sex:

56. Love or arrange marriage? Love cum arrange

57. Lips or eyes? Eyes

58. Hugs or kisses? Both

59. Spontaneous or planned? Hmm…..both

60. Short or tall? Tall

61. Older or younger? Younger

62. Sensitive or loud? Sensitive

63. Love or lust? Love

64. Tattoos or piercing? None

65. Trouble maker or hesitant? Trouble make….thats always more fun

Have you ever:

66. Kissed a stranger? No

67. Drank hard liquor? No

68. Sex on first date – No

69. Broken someone’s heart -yes

70. Had your own heart broken - yes

71. Been arrested? No

72. Turned someone down - yes

73. Cried when someone died - Yes

74. Liked a friend that is a boy- No

Do you believe in:

75. Yourself → yes

76. Miracles → yes

77. Love at first sight → yes

78. Heaven → yes

79. Santa Claus → yes

80. Kissing on the first date? → no

81. Angels – yes

Answer truthfully:

82. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes

83. Had more than one girlfriend at one time? No

84. Do you believe it’s possible to remain faithful forever? Yes!

85. What’s the one thing you cannot live without? Peace

86. who’s the most awesome kid ever? it would have to be me.


87. Riya or Niyati? Both. It’s like choosing between 2 eyes

88. One thing you like about Mumbai- the fast pace life

89. One notion about Mumbai that you would like to change – that people are emotionless

90. If life had a rewind button- I would want to live again from the year 2003

91. One wish that got fulfilled- my friends have become one big family

92. One thing you wish from your girlfriend- that she would be my wife, mother of my kids

93. Last time you cried while watching a movie- towards the climax of Mumbai Meri Jaan

94. Last blockbuster movie you saw- Harry potter

95. Last disastrous movie- It has to be Chandni Chowk to China (and it even tops my list of worst movies of all time)

96. Any regrets in life- No

97. Any events which shouldn’t have happened- terrorism

98. Life in Mumbai or life in Pune- life in Mumbai

99. One day you wished had never come in your life- 10th march, 04

100. Your motto for living- Enjoy each day in life and live and let live

1 comment:

  1. Dhaval, I have seriously become big fan of your writing skills. You have very aptly put our conversation though you have missed out few questions. But thats cool. keep up the good writing yaar. I am loving it.
