Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just a suspect!!

Watching the movie “New York” was a wonderful experience. For once, there was no candy floss with crazy twists in the story. Yet, the story seemed completely alien. For those Indians who haven’t lived abroad, the idea of being detained without a lawyer seems unimaginable. Before watching the movie, the only thing I knew about Guantanamo was what I had seen in the snapshots of CNN and BBC. Agreed, the news reports were equally devastating but I never thought the torture would be so bone-chilling. However, this also made me realize that, in India, the laws are so lenient. In USA, suspected terrorists are put through so much torture and pain. But in India, the terrorist who’s accused of killing hundreds and has been one of the masterminds of terror attacks in Mumbai on 26th November 2008 is kept like a prince in the jails!!

Indian laws clearly state that an accused can be called a terrorist, only if his crime is proved in the court of law. And this is the reason why Ajmal Kasab cannot be called a “terrorist”. Everday the newspapers carry weird news about Kasab. It seems as if the media is trying to glorify him. One day the news said that the man wants only a particular brand of tooth paste.In fact, few days back, Kasab wanted to send a letter to Saudi Arabia. When the judge asked him to whom did he wish to send the letter, Kasab refused to answer saying that it was his personal matter. In which country would an accused terrorist be given so many privileges?

The trial is taking too long as usual. Victims are called everyday to take part in an identification parade. Why does there have to be an identification parade for someone whom everyone has seen and whose face adorned the front page of each and every newspaper in the country? 11th July 2009 marked the 3rd anniversary of the train blasts in Mumbai. But the police still are rounding off people as suspects. It almost seems as if there is no respect left for human life in India.

FBI might have received a lot of flak for its strict detaining and inhuman measures in USA and the whole world. But the fact remains, that it has managed to protect USA from any further terror attacks. It is only because of the negligent and lenient approach that INDIA continues to be a victim of terror every year. Isn’t it a high time that INDIA gets a little serious about sleeper cells and suspected terrorists in the country?

If you anyone is more interested in knowing what Guantanamo is, please check the following links:

1 comment:

  1. Nice one dude. I guess only stringent laws and respect for the people can bring out the radical changes in the whole system. Otherwise, its a futile exercise every time police catches suspected terrorist and then taking a decade to decide the judgement.
