Wednesday, July 8, 2009

An evening with the Unknown- Part 2

In the first part we saw how Karan and his five friends get stranded in the motel and how Karan notices some strange things about the motel. Now, we will go further and see what happens to them. I would recomment you all to read part 1 before going on to part 2. Here is the link for part1.

Part 2:

“Guys, ghosts are nothing but just a figment of our imagination. Whenever we land in any opulent places like this, or in any eerie or desolate places, our imagination takes over our senses and we tend to start seeing things which practically does not even exist.” Rahul said as he saw Aarti and Lavanya talking about ghosts.

‘let’s see.” a deep voice made all of us jumped from the bed at once in panic. However, all of us were back to normal because we came to know that it was Ashok who created that noise, our group’s best mimicry artiste.

“Stop it Ashok, you cannot scare us with your antics.” Lavanya said and threw a pillow on him who was laying face down on his bed.

“Hey Ashok, why don’t you join us if you are not sleeping like those Siamese twins” Aarti said as she made a gesture towards me and Rahul who was already snoring loudly.

“Ashok stop pretending that you are asleep.” I kicked Ashok, getting irritated by him as he was lying unmoved in his bed. He immediately jumped up in his bed and looked quite shocked and bewildered. His expression made me clear that he was indeed sleeping.

“Thank god, you all are here. Otherwise he would have killed me!!” Ashok spoke in a voice quivering with fear and he clutched my arms.

“Calm down Ashok, there is one else here. You just had nightmare. Nobody is going to kill you.” I assured him.

“It was a freak dream or a nightmare. I saw an old man who was in that reception area and he was running after me with an axe in his hand. He wanted to kill me. Chop my head off. I was running from one corridor to other but there seemed to be no end of it all. It was damn scary.” Ashok said and he breathed heavily as he recollected his nightmare.

“Karan, I think, Ashok’s figment of imagination is overactive.” Aarti said as she giggled.

“Figment of imagination, Aarti, don’t make fun of professor Rahul’s ghost explanation theory,” Lavanya said as she also smiled.

“I think it’s pretty late and we all should….” Sumit’s words were cut short by a cry which made us freeze with fear.

“Please don’t kill meee,” a young girl’s voice filled the room. Then we heard sound of an axe chopping through the flesh and everything was dead silent again.

“What the hell was that?” I said and saw that everyone was extremely scared at having been disturbed out of their sleep by that bone-chilling cry of that girl which still echoed in our ears.

“There…it came from there,” Lavanya and Aarti pointed their fingers towards the door.

“It seemed as if someone was chasing that girl and she got attacked with a real sharp weapon.” Rahul said.

“Let’s see what is going on?” Sumit said as he asked me to join him.

“I’ll also come.” Rahul said.

“No, you and Ashok stay here and take care of the girls. They need to be protected if there is actually a killer lurking around.” I said and ran out of the room with Sumit.

“The noise seems to have come from very close, in fact, at first instance; I thought it came from our room itself.” Sumit said as he contemplated going right or left.

“I think we should check the right hand corridors first.” I said.

We ran into the right hand corridor and were taken aback by what we saw. There were many corridors and rows of rooms, which kept coming up but either of us could not see the end of the main corridor or any sign of that girl or that man.

“What a freaking place this is? I feel as if we are wandering in endless maze of corridors and rooms.” Sumit said as he stopped to catch a breadth.

“It’s quite strange Sumit; this place never seemed to be so big from outside. Besides even if it is, how come there were no vehicles parked outside. I have still not seen any single light bulb but the entire building is illuminated.” I said.

“For the first time I agree to all your observation Mr. Karan Holmes.” Sumit said.

“Let’s get back to our room; there is no point in wasting the entire night running around empty corridors.” Sumit said and smiled.

“Yea, let’s go. Even others would be worried back in the room.” I said and we started moving towards our room.

After fifteen minutes of traversing through the dimly lit corridors, we realized that we were lost in the maze.

“It ridiculous but our suite seems to have just disappeared.” Sumit said.

“Hey Sumit, just check this out man!!” I pointed to Sumit a corridor which was numbered 1987.

“Follow me Sumit. I guess I have found something interesting.” I said

“The corridor had rooms starting from number 0101 and went on increasing like 0201, 0301, 0901 and 0102 and so on. Then I led him into the next corridor which was numbered 1988 and it also had room numbers in similar fashion.

“You know Sumit; they have room for each date in the calendar. I cannot believe what I am seeing but if we keep on going left, we will have our corridor and our suite.” I said and we ran towards the corridors on the left.

“Inside the suite, Ashok was dozing off again and Aarti too slumped into an armchair. Rahul looked at Lavanya and their eyes were full of mischief. They were about to lock lips when there was a loud thud on their door and the door simply flung open prompting Lavanya to let out a loud shriek.

“I warned you not to get intimate here.” The old man who had ushered us into the suite was standing there and his eyes were glaring in anger. He looked so scary that Lavanya again let out a loud cry.

“Shut up young lady. You both will have to pay for breaking rules.” The old man shouted at her.

The sudden commotion in the room also made Ashok and Aarti to wake up and they were also taken aback at the sight of the old man who looked far stronger and scarier now then they had seen him for the first time.

“What the hell are you talking about? We did not break any rules and is there any privacy or not in this motel? Don’t dare treat us like a prisoner.” Rahul said in an angry tone.

"I dare treat you the way an executioner treats the prisoners. What are you going to do to stop me?" The old man challenged Rahul and he smiled in an evil manner.

"Let me teach you a lesson on how to treat your guests." Rahul said as he grabbed a vase and smashed it onto the head of the old man. The girls shrieked in unison.

"What the .......?" Ashok said and looked terrified.

The vase broke on the head of the old man but it did not cause any scare or injury to him. Rahul felt as if he had smashed vase onto a stone. The next moment he felt cold, fingers grabbing his neck, rising above the floor and found it very difficult to free himself from that old man. Soon, he felt cold, numb and darkness enveloped him from all sides.

The girls were now profusely crying and Ashok was staring at the lifeless body of Rahul which was flung onto the floor by that old man.

"I could have finished you all off too, but, I need to take care of someone else first. You all are under my control till the time I wish you to. Don't do anything silly and stay here only. He is watching every move of yours and he would not mind the remaining five to join him permanently." the old man said and went out of the room in a flash.

"Who was he talking about? What the hell has he done to my Rahul?" Lavanya said in between her cries.

"I have no idea about the person he referred to, but, he has killed Rahul." Ashok said in a stoney tone.

"Nooooooo, He cannot die. Rahul cannot leave me alone in this freaking place. Get up Rahul." Lavanya shouted frantically shaking Rahul's body. Aarti and Ashok were too numb to react much but just tried to control Lavanya.

We were near our corridor when we started hearing cries from the directions in which we heading to.

“Hey Karan, I guess its Lavanya’s voice and it’s definitely coming from our suite.” Sumit said. We both ran even faster than before. Suddenly, Sumit let out a cry and fell on the floor.

“Aah, what the hell is this?” Sumit said painfully and glanced at his foot.

“Ooh damn, it’s a trap, kind of which is used to catch the animals,” I said. “What the hell is it doing here?” I tried to figure out the way to release Sumit’s foot. The claws of the trap had pierced into his left foot and blood was oozing out rapidly.

“This whole place is freaked out. I wish we had never stopped here.” Sumit said as he struggled to free himself from the trap.

To be continued.....


  1. hey this is not fair again to be continued.....i was so engrossed in reading..nd now il still have to wait..but its really amazing!!!!!

  2. What is this dhaval?? u said this time it would be final and again to be continued...not fair yaar!!!
